Analysis of CVE-2023-25157



Maintaining vigilance in the face of emerging threats is essential in the constantly changing cybersecurity landscape. Today, we shed light on CVE-2023-25157, a critical vulnerability that requests prompt consideration. This blog entry intends to give an exhaustive examination of the weakness, its expected effect, and significant moderation procedures.

Vendor/Product description

GeoServer is an open-source server-side software that allows users to share and publish geospatial data and services over the web. Designed for interoperability, it publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards.


Vulnerability Overview

GeoServer includes support for the OGC Filter expression language and the OGC Common Query Language (CQL) as part of the Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Map Service (WMS) protocols. CQL is also supported through the Web Coverage Service (WCS) protocol for ImageMosaic coverages.

SQL Injection Vulnerabilities have been found with:

By combining the vulnerable CQL_Filter, Feature and properties, a user can gain SQL Injection via WFS service.

Technical Details


Proof of Concept

For the demonstration, we can set up our own instance of vulnerable GeoServer. And for this case, we'll be using version 2.21.4 via docker. After setting up the vulnerable instance, the URL will be http:///geoserver/index.html. But the focus of our exploitation was in the WFS service, hence we can head to the URL http:///geoserver/ows?service=wfs&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities OR by clicking the WFS `1.0.0` under services capabilities in the index.html page.

WFS Service Capabilities

We need to first find the <FeatureType><Name>data</Name></FeatureType> from the XML web content as the data will be used for our next step.

XML Web Content

From there, we can proceed using the data to be used inside the URL

JSON Output

From the JSON output above, we need to take note of the variable properties: inside features:. Using all the data above, we can craft our final payload, and we will be using CQL_FILTER of strEndsWith and current_user for the SQL Injection part such as,'x'')+=+true+and+1=(SELECT+CAST+((SELECT+current_user)+AS+INTEGER))+--+')+=+true.

Final Payload

To make this process easier, we have developed a Golang script to recreate proof of concept for this vulnerability.

Golang Script


Upgrading to version 2.21.4 or 2.22.2 eliminates this issue. The most ideal mitigation is to upgrade to the latest version.
