Obsidian Templater X OSCP




The Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) is a highly regarded certification in the field of cybersecurity. It is administered by Offensive Security and focuses on practical, hands-on skills in penetration testing and ethical hacking. The OSCP certification is designed to demonstrate the holder's ability to identify, exploit, and remediate security vulnerabilities within various systems.

About the Exam

More information about the exam can be found here.


Obsidian is a note-taking app that lets you store, link, and visualize your thoughts on your device. You can also sync, publish, and collaborate with Obsidian, and customize it with plugins and themes. I'm not trying to promote obsidian of some sort, just trying to share my methodology of using it.

About Obsidian

Nyehh, you can find more about it here.

Anyway I would like to share about the Obsidian's plugin named Templater Obsidian Plugin. As stated above, the OSCP exam is a 24-hour exam (23 hour 45 minute to be precise) in which every second is important *including sleep.

With this obsidian's plugin, it can somehow structured your time management so that you can spend more time in technical things rather than reporting / documentation things.

As the methodology of the exam is always the same, the command used will also be the same but the value of IP Address will be dynamic.


Templater Obsidian Plugin

Firstly, we'll need to prepare the templates before the exam. You can imagine it such as a sentence "X is eating salad" where the value X are dynamic and other is static. The preparation of template means we prepare the static in the previous sentence. I will show you example of my own template for reference.

For the sake of cleanliness of my obsidian vault, I've already created a folder with the list of templates

list of templates

This is the example of content for one of my templates. Note that the templater would be such as <% tp.frontmatter["HOST"] %> where HOST is the property you will use in your notes.


Anyway, let us first create an empty note.

empty note

Next, click the cog button at bottom left of your obsidian to identify your own shortcut button for add property inside the note. In my case, it was the command+;.


Add your property name, according to my template before, it was HOST and IP. After that click the templater button as in the picture


Now you have a list of your template, yet again for the sake of cleanliness I choose to name all of my template starting with letter T.


As my property was already defined earlier, now it was reflected inside my note with the value instead. Now I can just copy paste the command from the obsidian to my box for technical things. Voila!


Last Thought

I believe everyone have their own way of preparation and methodology. Never did I say that my ways of preparing for the OSCP was the best.

But I do believe that this plugin can help you (if not a lot maybe a little) in your preparation for the OSCP exam.

As the exam was more on technical things i.e Active Directory, Windows and Linux Privilege Escalation. Do spend a lot of times more on it rather than writings.

In the end if you've got no findings, what are you even gonna write about?


Written After

I'll include my own list of template in my repository here. In Syaa Allah, will surely keep it updated. My colleague once asked for it and it have been long since, wkwkwkwk.